Here is s simple video game in python you can expand further

Below is an example of a simple text-based video game in Python. It’s a basic adventure game where the player moves through rooms, picks up items, and has a simple goal (like finding a treasure). You can copy this code into a Python script and run it in a terminal.

# Adventure Game

# Define the rooms and their connections
rooms = {
    'Hall': {'south': 'Kitchen', 'east': 'Library', 'item': None},
    'Kitchen': {'north': 'Hall', 'item': 'knife'},
    'Library': {'west': 'Hall', 'south': 'Garden', 'item': None},
    'Garden': {'north': 'Library', 'item': 'treasure'},

# Player starts in the Hall
current_room = 'Hall'
inventory = []

def show_status():
    """Displays the player's current status: room, inventory, and room details."""
    print(f"\nYou are in the {current_room}.")
    if rooms[current_room]['item']:
        print(f"You see a {rooms[current_room]['item']} here.")
        print("There's nothing of interest here.")
    print(f"Inventory: {inventory}")

def move(direction):
    """Moves the player in the specified direction if possible."""
    global current_room
    if direction in rooms[current_room]:
        current_room = rooms[current_room][direction]
        print(f"\nYou moved {direction} to the {current_room}.")
        print("\nYou can't go that way!")

def pickup_item():
    """Handles the player picking up an item if available in the current room."""
    item = rooms[current_room]['item']
    if item:
        print(f"\nYou picked up the {item}!")
        rooms[current_room]['item'] = None
        print("\nThere's nothing to pick up.")

def check_win():
    """Checks if the player has won the game (by finding the treasure)."""
    if 'treasure' in inventory:
        print("\nCongratulations! You found the treasure and won the game!")
        return True
    return False

def game_loop():
    """Main game loop to interact with the player."""
    print("Welcome to the Adventure Game!")
    print("Commands: go [north/south/east/west], pickup, quit")

    while True:

        command = input("\nEnter your command: ").strip().lower()

        if command == 'quit':
            print("\nThanks for playing!")

        if command.startswith('go '):
            direction = command.split()[1]

        elif command == 'pickup':

        if check_win():

# Run the game

How to play:

  1. The player starts in the “Hall” and can navigate through rooms using the command go [north/south/east/west].
  2. They can pick up items using the pickup command.
  3. The goal is to find the “treasure” in the Garden and pick it up.
  4. The player can check their inventory and see their location at any time.
  5. The game ends once the treasure is found or the player types quit.

You can expand this game further by adding more rooms, items, and interactions.

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